Celebrating 125 years of Orfordville

Incorporated June 29th 1900

Your petitioners show that on April 7th 1900, they caused to be taken an accurate census of the residents population of ( 645.92 acres) such territory, as it was on said 7th day of April, 1900, exhibiting therein the names of every head of a family and the name of every persona resident in good faith of such territory on said 7th day of April, 1900, and the lot or quarter section of land upon which he resided, which census is verified by O.A Peterson, the person taking the same affixed thereto, that according to such census, the resident population contained in such territory , on said 7th day of April, 1900 was Three Hundred and Ninety Six.

This is documented word for word from the Records books of our Incorporation in 1900. This work does not infringe on any existing copyright.

This is a page from a publication “Progressive Orfordville” Yesterday, To-day, and To-morrow Compiled and Published by L.E.Barnum-”The Elms Photography Studio,” Orfordville Wis. Price 50 Cents per copy. Most of the pictures were taken by L.E.Barnum. Most of the engravings were made by the Star Engraving Co., Des Moines , Iowa . Published by L.E. Barnum Independent Print, Brodhead December 1908. This work does not infringe on any existing copyright.

More pictures can be viewed by following the tab at the top of this home page “ 125 YEARS ORFORDVILLE”

Welcome to Orfordville where you will find friendly people in a growing community with a small town atmosphere

Orfordville is a pleasant village of 1572 ( in 2025) people who take pride in their community. You will find affordable housing that is conveniently located close to Beloit, Janesville, Madison, and Monroe. Whether you are retired, or raising a family, Orfordville is a wonderful community to be a part of.


Orfordville Fire Protection District is looking to build their team. We are searching for Firefighters, Paramedics, and EMT's.

  • If you are currently certified & interested please stop by or call the station for more information. Pay is based upon certification & hours worked.

  • Not yet certified, but interested? Please reach out! We can assist you with finding & enrolling in a certification program.

What’s Happening?

Do you have an event you’d like featured on the community calendar? A question you’d like to ask the village? A concern?

Please fill out the form to the right with all necessary contact information, all details regarding the event or concern, and any other relevant information.

Only completed forms will be accepted.

Thank you.