Village Committees & Appointments
Public Works Committee
Terry Gerber (Chair), Dennis Burtness and Terry Morris
PUBLIC WORKS CONTACT INFORMATION Nick Todd, Director of Public Works can be reached at 608-751-4785.
BoaRd of Appeals
Steve Nordeng (Chair), Nick Howard, Tori Baars, Tina Suiter-Meyers, Steve Larsen. Alternates: Terry Gerber and David Olsen
Planning commission
Dennis Burtness (Chair Ex Officio), Tori Baars, Darla Grenawalt, Nick Howard, Terry Morris, Steve Nordeng, Beth Schmidt
Police committee
Nikki Tuffree (Chair), Beth Schmidt, Terry Gerber
Economic Development Committee
Beth Schmidt (Co-Chair), Cami Myers-Alstat (Co-Chair), Dennis Burtness, Amy Friend, Craig O’Leary, Heidi Schwartz Melton, Stacy Todd
Economic Development Committee - The Economic Development Committee meets once a month to discuss Orfordville’s future development and works on a number of different projects throughout the year for the village. They also provide grants to local businesses to support them in their success.
Community Engagement Committee (CEC)
Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, Darla Grenawalt, Tori Baars
Orfordville’s Community Engagement Committee was created in 2022. They plan & execute a number of different events throughout the year including Movies in the Park, Music in the Park, Block Party, and more! Stay tuned for more details!
Library Board
Marge Harker, Melissa James, Judy Albright, Nikki Tuffree, Allen Morris
Law Enforcement Disciplinary Committee
Tina Suiter-Meyers, Darla Grenawalt, Nikki Lutzke
Historical Committee
David Olsen (Chair), Dennis Burtness, Wendy Sterne
Business Park Architectural Control
Dennis Burtness (Village President), Nick Howard (Planning commission), Jeff Porter (Business Owner), Dan Landes (Business Owner), Lori Mueller (Business Owner)